Unlike many types of legal issues, Small Claims Paralegal are generally inexpensive and easy for individuals to manage without an attorney. Nevertheless, the process can still be intimidating and a legal expert is often necessary to ensure that you file correctly, do not overlook important steps, and are able to collect on your judgment. If someone’s negligence or wrongdoing has caused damage to your property — such as your car, your pet, your fence, your lawn, etc. — you should contact Prevail Paralegal right away to discuss your situation. Consultations are free of charge and there is no obligation to hire the firm.
Small Claims Paralegal: Your Ally in Resolving Disputes
The first step is filing a lawsuit with the court. You should provide all of the necessary information about your dispute, including a description of what has happened and any documents or records you have to support it. The lawsuit must also be served to the defendant (how this is done will vary depending on state laws). Once the lawsuit has been filed, the clerk will notify the other party that they have been sued. If a person does not respond to the lawsuit, you will have the option of asking for an arbitration hearing where an arbitrator will decide your case.
If you are not happy with the Court’s decision, you can appeal it. However, very few cases are successfully appealed. If you do choose to appeal, the higher Court will review your arguments and determine whether they should hear your case.