ADHD is a genetic mental health disorder that affects the brain and behavior, impacting academic performance, professional productivity and social relationships. Traditionally, the disorder is treated with stimulant drugs like Adderall or Ritalin. However, a more natural way to manage ADHD is by using strategic supplementation with nootropics and other neuroenhancing nutrients.
Nootropics, or smart drugs, are a type of cognitive enhancer that work by boosting specific aspects of brain function such as memory, focus and motivation. They also help reduce anxiety and promote a healthy mood. In some cases, nootropics may even be used as an alternative to stimulant drugs. URL
The Ethics of Nootropics: Examining the Benefits and Risks
There are many nootropics on the market, but some are better than others for treating ADHD. The most effective are those that provide a variety of different benefits, and a well-designed nootropic stack can improve concentration and focus in adults with ADHD. Hunter Focus, for example, is a great option because it contains the most ingredients of any nootropic we evaluated.
Our top rated nootropic for ADHD is Vyvamind, which boosts acetylcholine availability and increases dopamine levels for improved working memory and enhanced motivation. It also contains Maritime Pine Bark Extract, which provides a powerful complex of antioxidant cell-defenders called OPCs. These protect the brain from free radical damage and cross the blood-brain barrier to enhance cognitive function.
L-Theanine is another ingredient in Vyvamind that balances neurotransmitters and promotes a healthy stress response. It also raises alpha brain waves for more relaxed but focused brain activity.