Day: November 7, 2023

How to Care For a Dog With a Saggy FaceHow to Care For a Dog With a Saggy Face

Dogs with wrinkly faces are just too cute! There are many dog with saggy face, including the Boerboel, Cane Corso, Pugs, Shar Pei, and certain Mastiff family dogs like the Neapolitan Mastiff. These pooches may be prone to infections from their extra folds, so it is important to keep them well groomed.

What is the name of the dog with a droopy face?

Dog jowls, which are loose skin that hangs down from a dog’s lower jaw, are a unique and functional feature found in various dog breeds. Besides adding to a dog’s aesthetic beauty, they play a key role in regulating body temperature through evaporative cooling and absorbing impact forces from running or playing with other dogs.

Some pooches with saggy neck skin are born with it; however, it could also be a sign of an infection or injury in the throat or lymph nodes. If a sagging neck is accompanied by a loss of appetite, lethargy, or diarrhea, then a visit to the veterinarian is recommended.

Xoloitzcuintli, or Mexican Hairless Dogs, are a unique breed that has saggy skin due to genetics. These adorable pooches are loving and playful companions, but it is vital to keep their wrinkles clean and dry to avoid infection. The crevices in their wrinkly skin can collect dirt and moisture that can lead to irritation and long-term skin problems. Regular baths are important, and owners should also wipe their dogs down between bath times with special pet wipes that are alcohol-free. It is also recommended to brush a sagging-faced dog more often to prevent tangles.