Day: June 21, 2023

Crusty White Dog BreedsCrusty White Dog Breeds

In this world of rising trends, small white crusty dog  anyone or anything can become a meme. This time the internet’s bottled up frustration has been directed towards small white dog breeds with crusty red eye stains. Typically Maltese Terriers, these dogs get the rusty-colored eyes due to porphyrin molecules in their tears. These molecules are rich in iron and, when exposed to oxygen, they cause rust-colored stains. They also result in eye irritation, itching, and odors. The eyes become crusty when the tear stains dry and stick to the fur around their eyes. This is referred to as a crust by the internet and it’s considered unattractive and shameful for the owners of these pups.

Crusty Skin in White Dogs: Common Skin Conditions and How to Manage Them

This meme started on TikTok and then spread to Twitter. It pokes fun at wealthy influencer women who own these small dogs and how they always glorify their crusty white dogs. Whether or not you agree with this trend is a personal choice and depends on your own living situation, but it’s still funny to see these photos online.

Despite the negative stigma these dogs receive, they make wonderful pets for many families. They are very social and enjoy the company of people of all ages, children and other animals. This is probably why so many of them live with grandparents and other family members. They are also very affectionate and loyal. Their personalities can change, though, if they are neglected and not well-socialized. Dogs require physical and mental stimulation in order to be happy. Without enough play and exercise, they can develop behavioral problems that may be difficult to rectify.