Omnibrain Lab Blog Eco-Friendly Hotels in Bali

Eco-Friendly Hotels in Bali

Imagine waking up to birds chirping, rustling leaves and gushing waterfalls – this is what the eco-conscious traveller can expect from the best sustainable hotels in Bali. Gone are the days when eco-friendly accommodation equates to muddy huts with drop toilets surrounded by nowhere – these resorts and villas showcase avant-garde designs, epic scenery and every extravagance you’d expect from a holiday abode but with a planet-friendly twist.

The boutique lodge at Bali Eco Stay consists of eight over-water bungalows and pondoks that were constructed using local, natural and recycled materials – this includes bamboo that was harvested without damaging the surrounding rice fields or forest. All the water here is pure spring water that has been naturally oxygenated and infused with minerals by Mount Batukaru – all of which is used in the bathrooms, showers, septic systems, gardens and the restaurant’s kitchen.

Unforgettable Eco-Friendly Escapes: Bali Eco Stay Review

This pristine resort strives to maintain its tranquil surroundings and has partnered with local villagers to educate them on sustainability, recycling and organic farming practices. The villagers are encouraged to pick up rubbish from around their villages and the resort’s rice fields, while guests are welcome to bring trash bags along with them when trekking through the five nearby villages to collect any they find.

Plataran Menjangan is a nature lover’s paradise and one of the best eco lodges in Bali. Its luxury bamboo rooms blend into the landscape, and each is adorned with an en suite bathroom with toiletries, a minibar, smart TV and air conditioning. The resort also hosts yoga classes, spa treatments and a range of adventure activities.

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